Skill education
In the field of skill education Uitgeverij Coutinho develops publication on general skills, writing skills, professional skills and research skills. We adapt our products to new trends in education, and we publish new publications on a regular base. Check the following overview and find all publications on your subject.
Overtuigend presenteren
Druk : 2nd editionVerschijningsjaar : 2023
Een presentatie is pas succesvol als de toehoorders na afloop iets doen met de informatie die ze gekregen hebben. Ze moeten je product kopen, je beleidsplan steunen, investeren in je idee of de resultaten van je onderzoek serieus nemen. Overtuigend presenteren geeft je de perfecte handvatten om va…
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English Grammar through Dutch Eyes
Druk : 1st editionVerschijningsjaar : 2018
To be able to understand and speak a language well, you need to know the rules of that language. Ideally, learning these rules should be as enjoyable and easy as possible. This is where this book and its accompanying website come into the picture: English Grammar through Dutch Eyes is a contrastive…
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