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Academic Writing in English
Ondertitel : A Process-Based Approach
Druk : 3e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2018
For second-language writers, academic writing in English can be very challenging. Non-native English students can apply structural, linguistic and stylistic skills and strategies, to help them produce English academic texts. This book aims to increase learners’ awareness and understanding of these…
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Doing in-company research projects
Ondertitel : a step by step approach
Druk : 1e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2014
Doing in-company research helps students do in-company research via a straightforward step-by-step approach. After mapping out information gaps, research questions are addressed by systematically collecting and analyzing data. The research findings help formulate practical recommendations. Each step is explained in detail, with extra information and short examples.
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Effective Writing in English
Ondertitel : A Sourcebook
Druk : 3e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2017
Van veel Nederlandstalige academici en hbo'ers wordt verwacht dat zij correct, aantrekkelijk en doeltreffend Engels schrijven. Effective Writing in English: A Sourcebook is een betrouwbare leidraad bij het Engelstalige schrijfproces. Het geeft praktische adviezen hoe een overtuigende Engelse tekst g…
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Practice-based research in (allied) health care
Druk : 1e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2021
Practice-based research in (allied) healthcare teaches you to specifically examine practical problems, appreciate existing research, critically assess scientific articles, and come up with solutions to practical problems. The book offers healthcare students in higher education practical support when learning about evidence-based practice and practice-based research during their entire studies, a good preparation for their final thesis, and a basis for working in their professional practice.
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English Grammar through Dutch Eyes
Druk : 1e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2018
To be able to understand and speak a language well, you need to know the rules of that language. Ideally, learning these rules should be as enjoyable and easy as possible. This is where this book and its accompanying website come into the picture: English Grammar through Dutch Eyes is a contrastive…
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Schrijfgids voor economen
Ondertitel : Praktische adviezen voor scripties van a tot z
Druk : 5e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2023
In dit boek vind je alles wat je moet weten om een goede scriptie te schrijven. De Schrijfgids voor economen geeft praktische adviezen van a tot en met z, zodat je scriptie aan alle eisen voldoet. Hoe vind je een goed onderwerp? Wat is een goede probleemstelling en wat is het verschil met de centrale vraag? Wat staat er in de managementsamenvatting en welke schrijfstijl gebruik je? Uitleg wordt afgewisseld met handvatten, formats, tips en adviezen om efficiënt (snel) en effectief (goed) te schrijven.
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Diversity competence
Ondertitel : Cultures don't meet, people do
Druk : 1e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2018
In Diversity competence, interpersonal communication forms the point of departure: the meeting of people, not of cultures. From there onwards, the authors describe what diversity competence entails: which processes, challenges and skills are relevant in a ‘superdiverse’ world. The TOPOI model consequently offers an inclusive, communicative approach to analyze and address potential miscommunication.
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The Teachers' Handbook
Ondertitel : Secondary and vocational education
Druk : 1e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2018
How do you become a successful teacher? As a new teacher you need to learn how to establish specific routines and procedures. However, it takes more than learning the ‘tricks of the trade’ to become a qualified teacher. The Teachers’ Handbook meets the needs of future teachers who require tool…
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Healthy ageing
Ondertitel : Het ondersteunen van gezondheid gedurende de levensloop
Druk : 1e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2019
Healthy ageing gaat over de vraag hoe gezondheidsprofessionals gedrag kunnen versterken dat bijdraagt aan gezond ouder worden. Naast achtergronden van healthy ageing gedurende de levensloop, is er o.a. ook aandacht voor de ‘big five for a healthy life’: voeding, bewegen, slaap, stress en sociale interactie.
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Presentation Techniques
Druk : 2e drukVerschijningsjaar : 2013
A research project is not finished until the results have been published. No matter how spectacular the findings, they only become relevant when they have been shared with others, for instance in a presentation at a conference. Students in Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes are expected to prese…
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